Denise Elizabeth Byron
Denise brings 35+ years of experience with Numerology/Astrology/Intuitive Insight training, study, and practice to her mentoring, teaching, and writing. As an educator and professionally trained coach, she offers information and guidance with the understanding that her clients’ intelligence, creativity, willingness to learn and desire to grow shape each session. Denise’s clients value new perspectives, think outside the box and have the courage to awaken to their own deepest knowing. Denise Elizabeth Byron developed the Sensuous Wisdom™ System, WISE Women™ Programs and Sensuous Wisdom™ Teacher Training and Certification because she truly believes that in every woman, there is a wise and sexy soul ready to embrace her own magic.
Project URL: deniseelizabethbyron.com
- Website Design
- UI Design
- Business Cards
- Gift Certificates
- Book Design
- Banner Design
- Graphic Illustrations